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Reconditioned sweeper cleaning machine

Dulevo 1100 EH

"The Dulevo 1100 sweeper has the best features of any machine in its category."

Industrial standard sit-on sweeping machine.

The Dulevo 1100 industrial sweeper has the best features of machines in its category: a high-capacity container, high power, high sweeping capacity and a powerful suction system. This machine is equipped with a GoreĀ® filter (a technology that achieves the best filtering results thanks to improved dust control down to 1 micron) and complete lighting system (front,rear and hazard lights).

Easy access to all components and fully hydraulic technology make the sweeper easy to use with economical maintenance. This 1100 sweeper is the EH version with battery-powered motor, for indoor and outdoor areas.

Our reconditioned machines are rebuilt to meet very high standards and are finished to a like-new condition.

Power Battery
Productivity 10080 sq.m/hr
Hopper capacity 220 litres
Working width 1440 mm




Solution tank


Working width

Other information

- Mechanical suction filtering sweeping system

- Water-cooled engines suitable for long shifts and/or very hot climates

- Low maintenance required as all functions are hydraulically operated

- Belt-less turbine that does not require maintenance

- Easy access to the filter for inspection and cleaning

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